I have been reading the The Sunrise Collection, Assar's intro on Parthian coins. The most referenced resource for Parthian coins is David Sellwood's "The Coinage of Parthia". Assar and others have made updates to the chronology, assignment of coins to kings, and naming of kings since the last publication of Sellwood's book.

I am revisiting today a coin of Vologases III, which I am updating to Pakoros I based on Assar (Sunrise p.150). I had attributed this coin as Sellwood 78.3 with levitating ruler, no seat, Ecbatana, and blundered Greek legend. Parthian coins can have subtle differences in legends, and symbols that take a while to clearly differentiate. Thanks to help from CoinTalk, I am confident that my coin is not Sellwood 78.4.

and for comparison to another very similar coin of Pacorus I, 78.6 in Sellwood where it is associated with Vologases III. The coins is from the Ecbatana mint, and note the chair of two dots on the reverse:

Here is my accumulated list of favorite online and paper resources of Parthian Coins:
Parthia.Com - well organized site with many nice coins and this useful table
Dr. Assar Articles an overwhelming amount of relatively recent info
David Sellwood, Coinage of Parthia, getting harder to find
Fred B. Shore Parthian Coins & History: Ten Dragons Against Rome, getting harder to find
Percy Gardner Coinage of Parthia (first published in 1877, reprinted in 1968 - out of date, but well worth ~$6-20 used) or the free version from 1877 at archive.org

The Sunrise Collection, Dr. Assar intro and catalog
Academia.edu excellent for a wide range of articles and "interest groups" e.g. Parthian Empire
JStor.org excellent for a wide range of publications e.g. Sellwood, New Parthian Coin Types​
Baldwin Sale catalogs (Sunrise Collection, Sellwood Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV)
Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum - a work in progress Vol. 7 published
Parthian Drachm ID (based on Sellwood)